Story of Every One-Sided Lover! Hopeless Romantic Quotes

We all know that One-Sided Love always ends in nothing but sorrow and grief. It is always very painful and sad to put these feelings into words. However, I’m writing down some words that will perhaps add value to your emotions. Enjoy these falling in love quotes or poetry.

One sided love sad quotes
Romantic Poetry


In twilight's gentle embrace, I reminisce,

Of a love untold, a tender bliss.

A tale of a girl, my heart's delight,

Whose presence enveloped me every night.


In the realm of unspoken words, we dwelled,

Bound by a secret that our hearts withheld.

She, the essence of the radiant dawn,

Her grace and beauty, a melody to adorn.


falling in love quotes
Thinking about You at night!

Oh, sweetest love, the girl I adore,

Whose departure left my heart so sore.

In the depths of longing, I endlessly wait,

For our paths to intertwine, it's not too late.


Time may have swept her away from my sight,

Yet her memory lingers, a guiding light.

For in my dreams, she still remains,

A beacon of hope that forever sustains.


falling in love quotes for her
Reimagining Your Beauty

In silent moments, I whisper her name,

A love unspoken, yet eternally the same.

Though we didn't confess, my heart's vow,

To love her forever, I faithfully avow.


So, I patiently bide, amidst the stormy sea,

Knowing that someday, our love shall be free.

For destiny weaves a tapestry divine,

Where our souls shall converge, yours and mine.


falling in love quotes
Until I found you!

Until that moment, my love, I'll wait,

With open arms and heart, at love's gate.

For you, the girl I love the most,

In this endless wait, my soul finds repose.

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